Joy Junction is thankful for you!

Thanksgiving Blessings

2023 September #2
By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF)

Have you noticed a slight change in the scenery around you? The foliage is beginning to take on a different look in some areas. As it does every year, it is getting ready to make some drastic changes.

When we see pops of red, orange, and yellow color beginning to show here and there in the trees, we know it’s getting close to the time when we exchange our summer wear for winterwear. The cooler evenings remind us that seasons come and go on a regular basis. We are usually relieved to be rid of the hot heat and are looking forward to being able to go outside, again, without feeling uncomfortable.

When the autumn colors begin to appear around us, our minds automatically think about other things that go with the fall season. Because of the subtle color changes and cooler weather, we are prompted to acknowledge that the Thanksgiving holiday will soon be here.

This particular holiday symbolizes being thankful or grateful for what we have or who we have in our lives. It’s good for all of us to stop during our busy lives and take a moment to think about all we have to be thankful for.

Joy Junction is thankful for you!

Throughout the year, we have many volunteers who come to help serve meals, take care of landscape needs, clean different sections of our campus, and assist with many other tasks. We also have those who volunteer their time by providing entertainment, such as singing, playing an instrument, or putting on a skit. We need the extra hands of help, and events of enjoyment, every day of the year.

As well, many of our supporters send in a financial gift. All donations, whether it’s financial or non-cash, have a major impact and play a vital role in our efforts to continue to provide for the homeless and hungry folks who come to us for help.

We know each person has many choices when it comes to giving to a charity. We greatly appreciate being the one chosen. Without your support, we would not be able to provide for all those who seek us out for assistance.

Recalling our history classes from school many years ago, we learned that the Thanksgiving holiday was created because the first pilgrims were thankful for their harvest. Out of the kindness of their hearts, they celebrated it with others by preparing and sharing a meal. Along the same idea, we will also be preparing and providing a special Thanksgiving meal to show kindness to others.

Anyone in the city who is hungry or homeless is welcome to join us for our annual feast.

Our goal is to give encouragement to the multitude of people who show up to partake of the meal. When they see that we have a heart to serve, we hope it reassures them that we want them to feel important. They matter. They are not forgotten. It’s our desire to help each person feel “seen,” whether they are homeless or not.

When someone has unexpectedly become homeless, or is ready to get off the street to receive help, or has no means to cook a holiday meal, it’s a huge relief to them to know they will still be able to enjoy a special meal because they have turned to Joy Junction.

We will, once again, be offering a meal of turkey, with all the trimmings, along with pie and coffee for our annual holiday feast event. However, in order to provide the holiday meals we serve to our homeless guests and to those who do not have the means to cook a special meal, we need your help.

If you are interested in partnering with us, financially, to provide and encourage others with a holiday meal, please contact our business office at 505-217-9586, or go to our website at, or send in a check/money order to PO Box 20550, Albuquerque, NM, 87154.

You are a blessing to us!
We appreciate you!

