I couldn’t find housing…

I could not find housing

2024 July #1
By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF)

No one needs to be reminded that it’s hot outside.  The heat is felt by every person, one way or another. But, it’s felt even more by those who have to remain out in it because they’ve fallen on hard times and have no housing to protect them.

There are many reasons why someone has suddenly become one of the statistics of homelessness. The loss of a job or a mate, an illness that put them in an extended stay at the hospital, an abusive relationship, or many other situations can be the cause of a terrifying, life-changing circumstance.

Homeless people, sometimes, get a bad reputation because of those who feel entitled to receive free handouts as they stand along the street medians. 

But, not all homeless people are like that. Those who truly want help have a place with us. 

Carolyn (not her real name) is one of our guests who experienced the fear of homelessness. Here’s her story:

I couldn’t find housing…

I had nowhere to go. I was so frustrated that I couldn’t find housing in my price range – and there were very few options available to even consider. But, I knew I needed to make sure my daughter and I felt safe.

I heard that Joy Junction is a place for families who are homeless, so I got us a ride here. We feel safe, and my daughter is able to relax and not worry about things. She gets to attend school with other kids from here. That helps her be herself, without feeling like she needs to pretend to be someone she’s not.

I am thankful for the program because it is helping me in many ways. I’m learning a lot, and the assignments include volunteering – which keeps me busy during the day. I like staying active.

We are happy here. Knowing that we do not have to live on the streets or worry about staying alive are big factors for our happiness.

Some of our guests shared that they had to live in their vehicles until they found out that there was a shelter who would take them in, as a family, and provide for their needs until they could get their situation turned around. Those who choose to come to us are able to enjoy home-cooked meals and a comfortable environment during their time with us.

We house between 50 and 70 kids, on average, each day. It’s important to us to make sure they are able to experience a fairly normal childhood while they reside with us. For example, we have monthly birthday parties and activities specifically planned for them, as well as a playground and Children’s Center for other needs.

As parents work toward turning their circumstance around, the family can feel the security of being together as one unit and benefit from their journey toward new beginnings.

The upcoming July 17th “Day of Honor” for Jeremy Reynalds (our founder) celebrates the dream that he had, which includes planting good memories in the hearts of all those who have stepped, and will step, through our doors. 

Jeremy wanted to focus on keeping families together while providing a near-homelike environment. Three meals a day and a place to lay their heads at night allows them to feel secure in a safe place while they get things figured out in their lives.

He also wanted people to feel confident and well-equipped when it came time for them to leave and join the workforce again. The Christ in Power Program (CIPP) is a nine-month class offered to any adult housed at our shelter. It is a Bible-based course that teaches life skills and good decision-making habits. Many have graduated from the program. It has turned their lives around and allowed them to feel encouraged and ready to step out on their own again.

Since 1986, we have strived to accomplish the goals included in Jeremy’s dream – during each season of the year. We will carry on his legacy every day as we take care of those who choose to come to us.

We’d love to have your support as we work to meet their needs.  

