2024 December #2
By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF)
Life produces many different scenarios. Some are happy. Some are sad. Some are intense. Some are peaceful.
We love the happy and peaceful times – especially during the holiday seasons. Focusing on the fun and joyful events makes us cheerful. We carry a smile on our face pretty much everywhere we go. It would be wonderful if every day was like that.
Unfortunately, that’s not realistic. Life is not perfectly ordered with a continually happy existence on this globe we call Earth. We do the best we can and seek help when we need to.
Going through the scenarios that are upsetting can sometimes cause a person to step out of their regular routine and habits and move toward a life that is filled with change, or alteration. Everyone has their own way of coping or dealing with the circumstances that surround them.
Seeking help does not always mean involving family or friends. There are times when intentionally going outside those family and friend circles is not only necessary, but vital. It’s important to get help from people or organizations who truly know how to lend guidance for the particular situation.
As well, choosing not to seek help could cause the situation to escalate. At that point, the problem usually causes harm for more than just the person directly involved. The people nearby will be affected.
One of our guests, Kendra (not her real name), shared about a similar situation.
Here’s her story:
I was a day-drinker…so my life has been filled with losing job after job. I knew I had a problem, but…
I didn’t know how to help myself.
I was stuck in a rut, with the same old habit getting me nowhere.
The last time I lost my job, I was already behind on my rent. My money was going toward the alcohol – not the things that really mattered. So, we were evicted from our apartment.
We had nowhere else to go. That was the day I realized my child was totally dependent on me to survive, and I was letting her down. I finally decided to do something about it.
I had heard about Joy Junction, so I asked a friend to drive us here. I didn’t really have much faith in God, but I joined the Christ in Power Program hoping it would help me. It was a real struggle to get through. But, I have to admit, the hardest part was making myself choose not to use the gift check for alcohol once I was far enough in the program to leave campus.
I have learned to trust God, and say no to the alcohol. The program has helped me understand that the devil will tempt me any way he can, but it’s God who loves me and will give me the strength and encouragement to move forward and not give in to those temptations.
We have a safe place to stay, and now that I know how to say no, I feel confident that I will be able to find a job and a place of our own soon.
Kendra worked hard and graduated from our program. She realizes it will take a daily reminder, for the rest of her life, to make the choice to say no to temptations that may arise. She is choosing to follow the guidelines she learned in class so she will not repeat her past mistakes.
The donation gifts we receive help us provide for the needs of people like Kendra who truly do want a change in their life’s habits. We could not do what we do without the support sent in from individuals, churches, and businesses. Each donation is crucial to our ministry. Every penny counts.
As you go through the holiday season, please take a moment to consider being a part of our mission. We would be so very grateful to have you as a partner.