I had strayed far from who I used to be.

2024 September #1
By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF)

As you look around the city, do you wonder about the background stories of those you see trying to survive on the street?

The hopelessness that is shone on some of their faces is heartbreaking. It appears that their expression says, “there’s no dream of a future for me to look forward to anymore.”  

Many most likely feel alone, invisible to the world, and that no one cares. Maybe they believe no one would miss them if they disappeared for good.  It seems that they got to the point where they were unable to cope with life. Fear and the feeling of “not being good enough to make it” settled in their heart.

It could be that some of those in that position simply had poor money management skills and wound up unable to pay their rent. Therefore, they were evicted. They may have felt so ashamed, they chose to live on the street rather than seek help…because letting other people know of their failure was too much to bear.

Then, there may be some who didn’t know how to handle their feelings (from whatever situation) so they turned to substance abuse to escape…wanting to feel numb about their current circumstance and where they were in life.

There are so many other scenarios where people simply could not overcome their problems or difficulties, and homelessness was the result. No matter the exact issue that caused the loss of a home, the next step for them was trying to find a way to get through each day…alive…as the streets were the only avenue they felt they could take.

Besides fear and low self-esteem, homelessness sometimes brings a feeling of unworthiness. People may feel like others see them as no better than a piece of garbage thrown out for the dump. But, that is so not true! Each person ever created has value, and are worthy of being loved.

Just because they have fallen into a deep pit, so to speak, that circumstance does not take their value away.

We want them to know that we see them, that they matter to us, and that we are willing to be of service to them. We are available for those who truly want assistance – providing the necessities in life until they can get their situation turned around. Transforming lives is what our program is all about.

We want to help turn lives around for the homeless people who feel they’ve been “discarded, thrown away, or written off” by society and families. We hurt for them and their situation. Our Christ in Power Program can truly be a tool to help restore their lives. It offers skills that can be taken with them throughout the rest of their lives, to equip them for handling the circumstances that may arise in their future.

Our work focuses on encouraging people to have a desire to change the reason for homelessness being in their lives. Our hope is that they will choose positive pathways, as they walk a transformed life, when they move out to a place of their own.

One of our guests, Ken (not his real name), is walking proof of a transformed life. Here’s his story:

I was so lost.

I had strayed far from who I used to be…

How does a person wind up homeless, you may ask? All it takes is making the wrong choice over and over again. Day in and day out…the same old thing. Then, the day comes when you figure out that you have nothing to your name and no one to call family… There is nothing to show for your life.

I was tired of it. I had a deep desire to be different, but I had no idea how to turn things around. When I heard about Joy Junction having a program to help people like me, I decided it was worth a try. What did I have to lose? I had nothing…

I got a ride here and joined the program. I was thankful for the food and the bed, that’s for sure. But, I was really hungry for something that would help me find myself again.

It took a long time, but the program and the Word finally helped me see that I was worth loving. I found out that God loves me no matter what I do. He loves me more than words can say. He knew what kind of man I could be, and He showed me how to become him. I have Jesus in my life now.

The Lord and Joy Junction saved my life. I am so thankful they believed in me. When I leave here, I hope others see the change in me so I can help them understand that they can change, too.

Ken desired a change and opened his heart and mind to the possibilities of what “could be” if he would make the hard choice of altering his decision-making habits. Change is hard, but it’s do-able. Working intentionally toward a positive goal is worth it.

Our staff strives to bring positive change options into the lives of those who come to us. It takes everyone (staff and guests) working together, and doing their part, to make a new beginning attractive enough to be the course of action chosen. We are thrilled when we get to witness life-changing goals being met and becoming a daily reality for our guests.

However, we know we can’t do this alone. Transformation takes time and is long, hard work. If you are interested in finding out how to be a part of our mission, or want to help support our ministry, please look through our website  (www.joyjunction.org) to discover ways to partner with us.

Together, with your help, we can all work toward transforming each life that enters our doors.

