“I was finally able to overcome my addictions.”

2024 November #1

By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF)

When there is a compulsive desire to regularly “give in” to something (whatever it is), for long periods of time, it usually takes over. That uncontrollable desire, over time, develops into a habit…usually, a bad habit. 

A total dependency on something is called addiction. Unfortunately, many times that involves a destructive behavior or a habit-forming substance

There are different kinds of addictions, but for the most part, they are not healthy.

Addictions to food, sex, the internet, video games, work, exercise, gambling, alcohol, drugs, or any other thing can bring huge changes to a person’s life. The impulse to give in to that “need,” over other healthier needs, can wreck not only the life of that person, but the lives of those around them. 

Focusing on the “high” that the addiction provides – even if it is an addiction to something that seems harmless, at first – can cause a person to put their personal health on the back burner. Everything (food, chores, work, payments, hygiene, compassion, etc.) takes a back seat to the habit. It can cause them to unintentionally ignore other people in their daily lives. It doesn’t take long for the substance or behavior to alienate them from family and/or friends. 

The craving is too strong.

There is usually a core reason, the root of the problem, hidden inside a person for such a dependency, as the choice to continue the habit can be very intense. Sometimes, the inability to stop the addiction causes the loss of a job, a relationship, a house, or any number of things.

When everything has been lost or removed, and a person has wound up homeless, we hope they will choose to seek treatment in one form or another.

It’s time for new choices.  

Herman, one of our guests, finally came to that conclusion.

Here’s his story:

I was finally able to overcome my addictions.

My addictions have ruled my life for many years. I did not have the strength or willpower to break my habits. They controlled me. I could not do a thing (I thought) without, first, giving in to the drugs and alcohol…so much so, that I lost everything…and everyone.

Hitting rock bottom has a way of waking a person up. I finally decided to come to Joy Junction, a shelter with a program for addictions, because I knew I needed to make some hard decisions. I knew I didn’t have it in me to make the changes by myself.

It took three long months, but I was finally able to understand that God had the power to help me. Through the Christ in Power Program, I heard the Word taught. It became real to me. I have accepted Jesus as my Savior and HE is helping me become a better person, a better follower, and a better leader.

Through God’s help, my eyes have now been opened and I can see He has a plan for my life. He has begun opening doors for me that I never thought would be possible. I am learning how to serve Him. I try hard not to take things for granted anymore.

Until I can feel strong enough to move out and live on my own, with all the world’s temptations around me, I will finish the course, and continue to feel blessed that I have a safe place to sleep, three meals a day, and a closer relationship with God.

I truly feel I have a future to look forward to now.

A new beginning is available for those who truly want to turn their lives around. One form of help comes from our Christ in Power Program. It is our goal to enlighten our guests to another way of thinking. We offer a nine-month, faith-based life recovery class that teaches life skills. It also teaches them how to apply good decision-making skills to their daily life.

Herman is one of many we provide for every day of the year. We strive to instill positive guidance into the lives of those who come to us for change and direction. 

Homelessness is rarely a simple situation. If it is a sudden occurrence or if it happened over time, being placed in the circumstance of having no place to call home hits hard. 

Everything changes at that point. The usual lifestyle is no longer “usual.” The heartache that fills every moment does not seem to go away. So, as much as we possibly can, we try to lighten that heavy load for those who come to us for help.

That includes offering a special Thanksgiving meal for our guests, as well as for those in the city who are homeless, hungry, or are not in a position to purchase and cook a holiday meal.  Our annual holiday feast meal will consist of turkey, with all the trimmings, along with pie and coffee. With this opportunity to share a special meal with others, we try to make the hurt of being homeless a little less painful 

It touches our hearts to know that those who are struggling during this holiday time can depend on us to help them because caring and compassionate people support our ministry.

