2024 March #2
By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF)
We have a holiday coming up. This one represents new life, so it appropriately fits what we try to encourage our guests to reach for every day of the year.
Easter is widely known in our culture as the holiday that reminds us that Jesus Christ lived a perfect life on this earth as an example of how we need to live. Then, He was crucified on a cross to be our perfect sacrifice. After that, he arose and ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father.
The cross Jesus endured, in our place, provided a cleansing of our sins. Without His birth, sacrificial death, and resurrection, none of us would have the chance to have a new beginning.
The resurrection of Christ provides an opportunity for people to have a “do over” when it comes to living their life in a better way. If they surrender their lives to Christ, and choose to allow Him to lead them, they can indeed experience a new way of life.
Easter is celebrated in different ways. Some people don’t recognize it as anything more than the start of the spring season. Some like to color hard-boiled eggs and hide them for children to hunt and find. Some attend church services to celebrate the resurrection of Christ, our Savior and Lord. Some make a big meal and invite groups of people to gather to eat and partake in special activities. Some do a little, or all, of each of those mentioned.
As a ministry that cares for homeless people, we feel Easter should spark a hope for a new future into the hearts of each person we serve as our guest.
It’s a chance for them to put away the old life and begin a new life.
It is our goal to help guide each of our guests toward making life-changing decisions. We want to encourage them to focus on the fact that anything is possible with God…even when it seems impossible. We depend on that as we work each day to break the cycle of homelessness.
We believe the process of life change begins with a heart change. Our program teaches that the heart change begins when someone acknowledges and asks for forgiveness from God for the sin in their life. Then, their mind begins to “catch up” and the person makes steps toward understanding that they need to surrender their past to God, and follow His ways.
There is a possibility of a new start for each of our guests. For example, Amelia (not her real name) came to us needing a definite change in her life. Here’s her story:
“In desperation, I asked God to step in and lead me…”
I needed to leave my home as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, I had to leave my kids there because I was escaping from an abusive relationship.
When I left, I had two broken ribs, a sprained wrist, and a fractured leg. It broke my heart to leave my kids, but I had no other choice at the moment. [They had not been harmed.]
I was broken spiritually, emotionally, and physically. In desperation, I asked God to step in and lead me where to go. I remembered I had heard about Joy Junction before, so I found a way here.
I cried for three days. I was hurting so deeply. The staff helped comfort me. I learned through them that God has been with me the whole time — and I believe He led me here.
I am utilizing the resources available, that they told me about, to get assistance for myself. My goal is to be able to get a divorce, get my kids back, and get a home of my own.
I’m looking forward to a whole new start for us.
Most of us have needed a helping hand at some point in our lives. We are happy to be able to offer assistance to people like Amelia. We know they are hurting and afraid of the unknown. It’s our job to extend compassion and guidance as we work with each individual who seeks our help.
We ask that you lift us up in prayer to support our efforts as we work to help our guests start the process of a new beginning in their life.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
In His great mercy, He has given us new birth into a living hope
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
I Peter 1:3 NIV