2020 December
By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF)
Wow… Can you believe it? The end of the year is here already.
For some, it feels like two blinks were taken and the days were gone. We just got used to writing 2019 on our paperwork when 2020 arrived, and now 2021 is just about here. The years come and go very quickly these days.
For others, it was a little tougher with the pandemic surrounding us at every turn. So many new mandates were put on each of us; we didn’t know what was coming next. We’ve never lived in an era where the healthy people were quarantined. Strange customs, like everyone wearing a mask, were being looked at as normal.
Either way, we’ve all pushed through and made the most of it. We embraced the changes and created unique masks with a smiley face, or a cartoon character, or a superhero, or something that meant a lot to us, on the front so that we could follow the rules in style. We persevered, and now, we are at the end of the year.
It’s been a different kind of year, that’s for sure.
Even though many changes interrupted our lives, we each still had obligations that needed attending to. Those responsibilities did not go away just because something new, unknown, and uncomfortable entered our lives. The yard still needed mowed, the trash still needed to be taken out, the dishes still needed to be done, children still needed schooling, etc…
The same concept pertains to us, as well. Taking care of the homeless and hungry was and is our main priority. It always will be. Our obligation is still the same.
With that said, we need your help to continue our mission of taking care of the needs of those who have lost so much. Being homeless does not, all of a sudden, change just because other circumstances do. In fact, sometimes the homeless situation feels worse because there are stronger mandates placed upon those who have no place to go. They may not have a way to sterilize or clean their environment, or remove themselves from the public, or feel that they are safe.
We still offer a warm, safe place for those who have lost the roof over their head, or the food they used to have access to, or the income they used to live on. We do have ways of keeping our environment clean so we can be an available option for those who need a place to go. We are still able to provide food for those at the shelter and from our Lifeline of Hope mobile food trucks. That means, we still need the help of generous supporters to help us provide all that is needed for those who are without.
Your help is crucial! It takes all of us, working together in one form or another, to keep our ministry running smoothly.
Would you consider a year-end gift to Joy Junction? Most of our revenue comes from the last few months of each year. That’s what carries us through the first three-fourths of the next year.
You can mail a gift of any amount to:
Joy Junction
PO Box 26568
Albuquerque, NM 87125
Or, for a credit card donation, go online to www.joyjunction.org or call 505-217-9586
When you mail in a gift, please make sure it’s postmarked by December 31st to be tax deductible this year. Also, online donations may be made until midnight on 12/31/20 for the 2020 tax year.