Poverty, Homelessness Scarcely Register on Presidential Candidates Agenda: Homeless Don’t Have Much Hope for Change

By Jeremy Reynalds Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. While the 2016 presidential race for the White House has generated much more media attention than usual, all that air time hasn’t been focused on homelessness and hunger. With the possible exception of Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders,  the issue isn’t getting much attention at all. In fact, an article by … Read More

Hunger On and Off the Reservation

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. There’s enough of a hunger problem in New Mexico that the noise you hear sometimes may not be your neighbor trying to start his car. It could be his growling stomach. According to the New Mexico Association of Food Banks, nearly 70,000 New Mexicans seek food assistance weekly. That’s the equivalent … Read More


By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. It was just a typical Facebook update, and not one to which we expected such a reaction. Here is the post accompanying this picture. “This man and little girl now have food and water to enjoy for dinner. They were grateful for the gifts they received from our Lifeline of … Read More

The Day America Died

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. On the fourteenth anniversary of 9/11, we again remember the events of that terrible day and the thousands whose lives were lost to those awful attacks. While I have my own story which I’ll share later, I wondered how the experience had affected some of our current guests at Joy … Read More


By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO        Joy Junction Inc. You’ve probably heard the doomsday warnings for years, but now the latest one is that the world as we know it is going to end in Sept. 2015. There’s one Facebook page I found devoted to the topic. Author Jennifer LeClaire writing for Charisma Magazine said, “With Asia’s … Read More

What Do Priests, Reporters and the Homeless Have in Common?

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. The story of the small black dot has made its rounds on the Internet numerous times. As it’s told in one of these incarnations, during a presentation, a speaker took an unmarked sheet of white paper and made a small black dot at the center with a marking pen. Then … Read More

Can We Ever End Homelessness? Government and Advocates say Yes, but Homeless Say No

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. You seem to hear it all the time: cities claiming to have ended either chronic or veteran homeless. Other communities have a three, five or ten year “plan” to end homelessness. Perhaps it’s because the federal government has similar unbridled rhetoric. A recent paper by U.S. Dept. Of Health and … Read More

Helping Those Who “Don’t Want” Help! Stories from Both Sides of the Bush

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. After 34 years of helping New Mexico’s homeless, I am convinced that there is nobody who doesn’t “want” help. While an addict’s negative response to what would seem like sensible assistance-a trip to a detox or homeless shelter-may result in the statement, “Well, he doesn’t want help,” we need to … Read More

Homelessness Reappears on City Radar Screen

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Homelessness had dropped off the radar screen since the closing of various tent cities, and the horrific mid 2014 killings of two homeless men in a troubled Southwest Albuquerque neighborhood  That changed a bit with the recent throwing of fireworks at a homeless man, and his subsequent serious injury. That crime … Read More

A Divine Appointment

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. It had been a long day, which we ended with a networking event. While good, I nonetheless really wanted to get home, and enjoy the peace and tranquility of home along with my wife Elma. Making our way home, though, usually involves a stop off on the way at Joy … Read More

Could Joy Junction’s Tax Exempt Status Be Revoked?

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Revocation of Joy Junction’s tax exempt status (and that of thousands of other non profits) would be possible if writer Mark Oppenheimer’s wishes become reality. In an article for Time Magazine titled “Now’s the Time To End Tax Exemptions for Religious Institutions,”  Oppenheimer begins his argument by saying, “The Supreme Court’s … Read More

Celebrate but Remember the Homeless

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. July 4 is just around the corner, but not all Americans will be celebrating Independence Day with fireworks, a day off from work, a thankful heart and food. For some, it’s just another day of fear and uncertainty. An incident from a few years ago just prior to July 4 … Read More

Just One Additional Service for the Homeless

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Sometimes it’s time to take quick break from both raising the funds and planning the long term vision at Joy Junction (something that’s always on my mind) and think about an additional service that our guests might like (probably an issue that while maybe small is top of their minds). … Read More

Some Old Musical Friends Return to Joy Junction

Some old friends are returning to Joy Junction, and you’re invited. On Friday June 5 at 7 p.m. “The Choir” will be at Joy Junction. That’s at 4500 2nd St SW, one mile south of Rio Bravo.  They’ve been with us before in various incarnations-such as The Lost Dogs and Kerosene Halo. Admission is a can of food and a love … Read More

Mayor of Albuquerque. Don’t Give to Panhandlers. They May Buy Food.

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. A new initiative rolled out by the City of Albuquerque on Wednesday is asking people not to give money to panhandlers. In an astonishing statement attributed to Albuquerque Mayor R.J. Berry by KRQE TV News Berry reportedly said, “If you hand $5 out of your window to a panhandler today, that … Read More

It Looks Like the Homeless Aren’t “Going Square” Anytime Soon

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder  and CEO Joy Junction Inc. A You Tube video of a homeless man in Roswell, New Mexico apparently using a card reader to panhandle for donations has gotten thousands of hits. A local news station in Albuquerque tracked down one of the young men who made the video, and asked him for a receipt for the donation … Read More

Not Your Usual Graduation

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Just a few days ago, we held a graduation ceremony for some of the members of Joy Junction’s nine month Christ in Power life recovery program. Joy Junction Resident Services Manager Denis Billy found out that it was a significant time for them. Jami said that graduating meant to her … Read More

Bureaucracy-“Chin deep in Red Tape and Unnecessary Procedures”

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Image via www.drtomoconnor.com/4090/4090lect02.htm I dislike bureaucracy-intensely. Just the word conjures up very negative connotations. Here’s one definition.  It reads in part, “A bureaucracy is an organization made up of many departments and divisions that are administered by lots of people. If you’ve ever had to deal with health insurance or … Read More

Joy Junction Forced to Postpone Groundbreaking Ceremony

News Release From: Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Tel: 505 400 7145   ALBUQUERQUE. N.M. Regrettably, Joy Junction has been forced to postpone its groundbreaking ceremony, and the start of construction. This decision is necessary due to multiple changes and unexpected delays with financing and loan closing. Joy Junction Founder and CEO Dr. Jeremy Reynalds said … Read More

How Did You Deal With Your Worst Day?

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. We all have memories of our worst day. They range from a layoff, a burglary, the loss of a loved one, to perhaps the diagnosis of a potentially devastating disease. Sometimes, that worst day is when an expected promotion fails to materialize, we can’t get the parking spot we want, … Read More

Food Stamps and the Animals

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. The “gravy train” some people think the poor enjoy is “extremely lumpy.” A troubling commentary comparing recipients of food stamps to zoo animals has been making rounds on the Internet for a while. On Jan. 2 2013, Some time ago, a U.S. Congressional representative posted it on his Facebook page. … Read More

“When Poverty Knocks On the Door, Love Flies Out the Window.” Does It?

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Just a simple statement I heard used by Celebrity TV Chef Robert Irvine, but it grabbed me again the minute I heard it. During his “Restaurant Impossible” TV show, Irvine quoted the old saying, “When poverty knocks on the door, love flies out the window.” I was curious what our … Read More

Do We Have a Homeless “Crisis” in Albuquerque?

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction  Inc. We have a homeless crisis in Albuquerque. At least, that’s according to one person talking recently to area news media. One definition of crisis is “a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger.” When you define it that way, we do have a crisis, but it’s not a new one. … Read More

To Give or Not to Give to Panhandlers; That is the Question

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. With Albuquerque Mayor Richard Berry saying his office is trying to find a way to deal with panhandlers without having to arrest them, the issue is back in the news again. “We know that some of the panhandlers, quite frankly, aren’t being necessarily genuine in their requests,” local media reported … Read More

The Unseen Homeless Who Are Getting Back on Their Feet

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. While perhaps unwillingly, residents of Albuquerque’s Tent City have gotten the homeless (and their cause) a lot of publicity in the last few weeks. Much of the press has focused on the negativity surrounding the embattled encampment. While the ultimate solution for Tent City is still up for debate, what’s … Read More