Will you join our life-saving mission to help those in need?

2019 November
By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF)

When a person is in their youth, they most likely do not sit around planning to spend the rest of their lives as a homeless person. Many “fall into” the situation of being without a home by unforeseen circumstances.

Some are single moms who wound up not having the support of their family, so they were asked to leave in no uncertain terms. Some are people who started sampling different substances and wound up addicted, which eventually caused them to lose their jobs, and then their homes. Some were enticed by all the “glitter and glamour” of the gambling world and gambled away their income, which, of course, put a huge hole in their banking abilities.

Some worked hard at their jobs, but the company downsized and they were suddenly without income – and try as they might, no other employment became available. So, they found themselves unable to pay rent. Some simply have no family to lean on as they age and their social security is not enough to provide all of their needs. They find they need to either buy much needed medication or pay rent. Of course, their health is vital, so the decision becomes fairly easy…they have to choose not to pay for a place to live.


That’s where we come in.

We want to help people remember that no matter what their circumstances are, there is always a reason to be thankful. Our desire is to meet people where they are, and provide the basic necessities, like a meal, a shower, a bed, and shelter from the outside elements. Then, we go even further and offer other options like programs to help people move forward in their lives.
Remaining stagnant is not helpful or productive or even healthy. Not only do we want to provide for their physical needs, we want them to feel hope for their future. We offer programs to encourage that end.

In addition to providing for those who come to us at the shelter, we also offer a holiday meal for those who are homeless or hungry in our city, or have no means of preparing a special meal.
We will serve our annual Thanksgiving Feast at the convention center on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, to feed anyone who is hungry or homeless and would like a free meal.

Gathering with those who’d like a special meal gives us the opportunity to visit with them and find out their story. It also gives us a chance to share more about who we are, and offer them a way to turn their life’s situation around. But, we need your help!

This continuous work is made possible by the year-round dedication of volunteers and donors who give their time, their monetary gifts, and their non-cash items. All of it combined is necessary and helps tremendously. However, the holiday season seems to be the time when most people give. We are thankful, because that’s what carries us through the rest of the year.

We are so grateful that others have a heart for the homeless and hungry, as we do. We work hard to provide food, shelter, and the necessary items that give a sense of dignity to those who have lost so much…especially around the holidays.

You can be a part of providing this special meal for those of our city who, otherwise, would not have a holiday meal. As usual, our meal will be complete with turkey, dressing, potatoes and gravy, vegetables, and dessert – with coffee, if so desired.

Will you join our life-saving mission to help those in need? To give toward providing the special holiday meal, or any other area of our mission for helping the homeless and hungry, please contact our corporate office at 505-217-9586. Or, you can send a donation to our mailing address at PO Box 26568, Albuquerque, NM 87125. Another option is giving on-line at www.joyjunction.org.

For non-cash donations, you can take items (in good condition) to the shelter at 4500 2nd Street SW every day between 8AM and 8PM.

Thank you for having a heart for the homeless and hungry in our city.

